
About Me

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Ryan Rogers

I am a developer in training, currently learning the ins and outs of fullstack development. I will be adding to this portfolio as my list of works increases to showcase what I can do. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or inquiries about interesting projects!

My Work

Marvelous Story Generator

The MARVELous Writing Prompt is a writing prompt generator for creative writers with an interest in the Marvel comic universe. It's purpose is to give the user inspration for their writing prompt. Using the Marvel API, we are able to present to the user two random characters and one random quote through the Quotes API from RapidAPI for them to use in their writing. This generator can be used by creative writing classes, writing clubs, fanfiction writers, and more.

Pick Up

Pick-Up is a simple user-focused app. The user can create an account that allows them to seek out, and schedule games for whatever sport they are in to. Whether you're planning ahead or you suddenly find yourself with some time to spare, this app will make it easy to find a place to play and people to play with.